Forums - What do you think makes a team good?(mvc2) Show all 45 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What do you think makes a team good?(mvc2) ( Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:01:2000 09:26 PM: To help any one in there MVC2 game, please post your ideas on what you think makes a team good. Examples such as making sure DHC's link considerably well, assist's,etc. What do you look for in a team before you try to put one together? please post any ideas. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:01:2000 10:59 PM: any team with a plan man. a plan that makes them work together. and you have to have assists that you intentionally pick and use for at least something somehow. blackheart's assist kills storm, doom, blackheart, dhalsim; cable kills sentinel, blackheart;; strider, dhalsim, spiral, roll ruby heart storm are all good for building meter for someone like cable, samurai, servbot sentinel. i will admit that cyclops is good. his assist is reliable through the whole fight and he can run away and chip, hurt assists good if he's the last one left. probably one on one in the last part of the fight one of the best characters is doom. his assist is also reliable through the whole fight although it's easier to damage doom during the assist than cyclops. cyclops taunts for a long time after but doom stays on the screen longer overall, and i feel like supers will hit him harder. but i think doom will beat cyclops one on one at the end. i don't know i hate cyclops and i only play dr. doom. strider's assist is very good in my opinion. nobody uses that shit as good as it can be. he can go through anything and track you, it's better than blackheart's when on the ground but overall blackheart's assist is way more useful. shuma is very very good one on one or when coming from behind. when desperate you can chip with kick super. same like servbot, chip with balance. sentinel's flying game is tough. he can fly fucking fast and call assists like commando or morrigan on the ground while he's short or roundhousing in the air, or call blackheart while retreating. too bad he gets fucking killed by cable or spiral. and strider. morrigan can air dash forward or up-forward right after calling assists and cross up during the whole fight. she can get through most traps. juggernaut is also good. the power up "glitch" is probably intentional from capcom man. not just because of the way he laughs when you switch either, it is funner and more fitting the way it is then if you have to combo into powerup then cancel into headcrush every time. same effect, less congestion. late Posted by xTrIgGeRMZZ on 11:02:2000 12:16 AM: some factors have to go with a good team. one point is that the player's fighting style and strategies have to coincide with his other character's assists. this is the factor that is the easiest to work with in making a good trap. another is their dhcs. good damaging dhc could help in a good match. as for me combos for each character works for me. Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:02:2000 09:56 PM: One thing in creating a team that I think people overlook, is using counter characters. I mean picking your characters based on your opponents characters. for example, if someone picks sentinel, you could pick strider to counter sentinel(as in strider is good against sentinel)and then your team can follow with good assists and dhc's. I think a true master of the game would be able to do this. Although you have to be hella good with every character.(Thats why you would be a true master if you could do this)dairy queen guy, I am not asking for help in specifics, I just want you to post your logic in creating a team, so every one can get better by learning new ideas in creating a team. I don't care if you're Duc Do or just a scrub, posting ideas helps anyone get a better strategy. Thank you for your post. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:02:2000 10:58 PM: whoops was that shit too specific? my fault man. more generally i think to make a good team you have to Yes pick counter characters but that is only after you've already gotten crapped on. it works at the tournament because the setup is 2 out of 3 or 3 of 5 or even 4 of 7. but what if it's not like that and you don't have a chance to adjust. i think you have to choose always the same team and use that team against all kinds of other teams. i think that is how you master characters together-- you pit them against every situation. i know that there will be counter teams. one example is storm, spiral, strider against any cable team. start spiral and trap with knives and storm's vertical whirlwind assist. strider and storm both kill cable and are both very good one on one, and their assist will protect against spiral-cable teams. especially strider's assist versus spiral. however-- the spiral cable team that constantly fights anti-cable characters will get good at that shit and change. have you noticed that the more you fight the more your thinking changes? you start memorizing the shit that people do. and you start to omit the moves that you do without major purpose, instead doing moves that have a real intention. it is most important to master your exact same team of characters together no matter what. because then you will be confident no matter who they choose, and not only that-- those three characters that you have used so much against so many different characters' styles,, you will know how to instantly punish mistakes, you'll know how to instantly get out of new shit even if you are surprised, you will know because it is second nature, since you've used them so much in combat. it is obviously about practice, but back to the point of making your team better, keep using the same guys over and over against different teams until you have mastered those guys, then you can change one character at a time and weigh the advantages and choose which one is best all around. i did that and i kept using the same exact 4 teams for so long. then i mixed in the top character of one team into the other you know what i mean, and i got a lot of wins man. it really helps the confidence. i can go into a new city and challenge anyone. thanks for reading, let me know what you think. later Posted by GERONIMO_S.D.! on 11:03:2000 07:13 AM: Well actually you kind of need to make certain what you can do well with. Like if you could play with good strategy you might want to go with a "power" character or 2. Fast reaction? a "speed" character. Don't care what anyone thinks? "Chip" them to death. Etc. At the same time consider your assists. Examples: Ken, Cammy, Doom, Blackheart, Commando, Colossus, and many others work perfectly with any character. After that, all that you need is practice or adjustment. Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:03:2000 08:09 AM: dairy queen guy: I know exactly what you mean. I have done that very similar thing. No matter how good you get with every character, you will still have characters you are better with. For me, when I was a begining scrub, I did not have a team or any strategys. I just played who I liked, so I was first comfortable with strider.(because of MVC1)Then from there I started getting better, learning new characters before I got into the game enough to start thinking about teams. I would say My first good team was strider/cable/doom.(Which is still a very kick ass team!)Then like you said I started trying new characters one at a time, learning All kinds of things as I went along. But over all I agree with you 100%, to make a team for you it is all about finding characters that work for you. You can take notes all day long if you want about whether "this character works well with that character"etc. You can think about teams until you're blue in the face, but there is only one way to find out......experiment! Experiment with what ever you like until you find a team that makes you happy and/or succesful. Thanks to all for the input. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by norielX on 11:03:2000 09:15 AM: When I pick a team, I think about how I want to play. Boy is that ever obvious. I think about the traps I can come up with if I need to stall for some of my back men to heal, assists to help me get into range if I have a striker character. I like grapplers, so I think I'm kinda screwed in MVC2. My 'gief/BH/Sent was cool for about a couple of games, until I get beamed to death. When I first come up with a concept, I try and choose assists that will help me and my team. If I run into the same problems, then I tweak my assists and chars to deal with the problem. I have to add that I'm probably an average to below average player, so, YMMV... Posted by Jay Wang on 11:04:2000 10:12 AM: geez people, u guys are like writing these huge responces ... all you need for a good team in mvc2 is: 1. A Battery Character 2. Cable 3. Anti Air Assist done and done Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:04:2000 12:04 PM: Mr. Wang if i ever meet you i will fight your cable team. i won't use cable. i don't use my best team right away no matter where i'm at. only if i will compete in the tournament i will use my hardest team right away. i have three teams that i really like that i think are good enough to face anyone. but i always try to get good with other guys and use them first so it forces the usual guys at my arcade who use nothing but cable, strider, doom, magneto, sentinel, storm to fight roll and servbot. if i keep losing with those characters i pick the next team up and i do better with ruby heart or silver samurai. sometimes i get a 3, 4 game losing streak with a new team that i am trying to make good. and that shit makes me mad. but i try to always have a plan and practice the plan against cable with new teams, and after using a new team for a while and losing with it, it feels very good to have gained the experience with the new characters versus cable and then pick cable against their cable that has been slaughtering my new team and defeat them easily. they stop playing after that. they wait until i've finished my game. a good team in mvc2 or even part one, is a team you've practiced with even though you are losing with them. i think i learned every single character from mvc1 that way. i had to lose first. when you've lost a lot you start to realize why exactly you are losing, and you get better. whether it's because you are understanding their strategy or you are seeing the holes in your own, you get better. nobody builds real skill right away. you might pick a good team of characters and the strengths that capcom gave them might get you wins, but you will never create with them and actually compete with them until you go beyond their basic shit. you have to learn characters inside out, then you can play them the way you want to. it usually takes a number of losses to really learn how to play the way you want to. painful losses. dam Mr. Tanaka Force this topic that you started is very good. Thanks for what you said. late. Posted by hang on 11:05:2000 06:04 AM: A good team in mvsc2 in my opinion must consist of the following: 1. a good anti-air assist(cap com, bh, ken,etc) 2. a good chipper(doom's AAA) 3. a good keep away with air dash or teleport ability character( storm, dhalism, spiral, etc) or of course cable is always a good choice. You will need a character with either air dash or teleport ability or a good AAA to get out of traps in case someone tries to perform traps on you before you do so. Unless you want to use cable and fight out of the trap. Posted by shadowcharlie on 11:05:2000 08:06 AM: a team that can be versitle like a mix most peole said that already^_^ too easy Posted by Iceman on 11:05:2000 12:41 PM: I think you have to decide who your best single character is, and then build around him/her. Jay Wang pretty much summed up the best way to build a team around Cable (battery, cable, AAA). IMO, you also need to use similar planning for any other character, not just Cable. For example, my best character is Sentinal. If I were to build the perfect team around him, I'd use Sentinal(c)/Doom(b)/BH(b). As many of you know, this team is very good, and both Doom and BH complement Sentinal well, either by helping his flight (BH) or for chipping and trapping (Doom). But my best team is Sentinal(c)/Cable(a)/Cyclops(b). I have to rethink my stratagy. I do'nt have Blackheart around to keep peple from superjumping when I fly, so I have to position myself to hit superjumpers with a flying fierce. I also have to save some meter for Cable, if possible. Of course, if I get the chance to hit someone with a multiple HSF combo, I'll take it. Sentinal's drones assist does help Cable is he's going offensive, and Cyclops is always a good AAA to beat dash-ins and jump-ins. I trying to learn Doom(b)/Strider(b)/Sentinal(c). In this case Sentinal is not the focus of my team. Instead Sentinal plays 3 roles, first he is a good assist to go on offense with. Secondly he serves a counter character in some cases. And lastly an anchor, since he is a nice character to bring in late in a fight with full life, considering his superior stamina. This was all an example of building a team around one character that you are very good with. Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:06:2000 05:46 AM: Ya see you guys? This is why I love MVC2, because it is all about customizing a kick ass team to your style of fighting. And in posting your ideas on team strategys, your also posting your fighting style. Common characters like cable are only so common because he is very easy to use in beating people, but that does not make him "the best", just an unbalanced character. Almost every one can play a team with cable (unfortunately), and if cable is your main character then you learn to play other characters that support cables fighting style. I have learned a lot from your guys posts, thank you much. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by FMJaguar on 11:06:2000 11:32 AM: I have searched high and low, and asked the most learned men on this earth for the secret of life... well they wouldn't tell me, so i asked them about MvC2, and here is what they proclaimed: 'Ye whose team throws the most shit on the screen, shall rule for eternity' and there you have it. Posted by Chocobo on 11:06:2000 12:14 PM: dairy: Yes it's good to learn one "main team" that you can play better than any other team, but counter characters are really important in this game. You don't want to sit there and pick Spiral or Storm over and over against a Sentinel/BH team because you'll be giving yourself a disadvantage from the start. Counter picking is very important, especially in a tournament where every single fight means so much. If you see Sentinel in there, you'll be much better off putting in Cable instead of a favorite character even if you're not as good with Cable, because Cable has such a big advantage in that matchup. BTW, Shuma and Morrigan suck. Iceman: I think Sentinel/Doom/BH is definitely the best team for a Sentinel... but I think when it comes down to it, a top level team is really better off without him. This team is good enough (especially against Storm) but has weaknesses to Cable and Strider, and the fact is you're going to see a lot of those characters. And personally I think Sentinel really needs Blackheart to play at his best, just as a Cable without Cyclops isn't nearly as good as he could be. So Sentinel doesn't fit into quite as many teams as some other characters. He works fairly well with Storm (especially when he's the assist for her), at least. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:06:2000 09:24 PM: HA HA HAHA a cable without cyclops isn't nearly as good as he could be? HA! i have not even picked cyclops ONCE since mvc2 came out. not even ONE FUCKING TIME, even just to practice. what do you mean Shuma and Morrigan suck man? just because you suck with them you think they suck? if you are at B5 and i face you i promise i will choose them both against whatever teams you've got. only for one match though. it will mess me up too much to play them that much. or we can play in between our matches. We'll see who sucks, choose your cable and cyclops and i will play with Shuma and Morrigan and probably War Machine or Venom. We'll see who sucks. REMEMBER ME AT B5. I will be wearing a Dairy Queen Hat. Counter Characters might work, sure. But in the tournament we both get to change our characters. that only works if i am picking the same team every time. Also i don't agree with what you said about Spiral or Storm against Sentinel. i don't play storm but I will Fight your Sentinel with Spiral, and if you want i'll learn everything Storm can do by next week or earlier and fight you with her too man. REMEMBER-- Look for Dairy Queen guy at B5. i don't think i will get too nervous to compete well. i hope not. Late Posted by StiltMan on 11:07:2000 04:05 AM: About the only way Spiral's going to fight Sentinel is if she just plain overwhelms him in the assist department. Ironically, even though Spiral and Storm are individually very weak against Sentinel, Spiral with Storm-A assist takes him apart if he doesn't bring a Storm-A or other horizontal assist of his own to fight it. It chews up Sentinel/Doom/BH something awful. However, if Sentinel has a level playing field on assists to keep himself from getting pinned down by knives plus assists, he eats Spiral for lunch. End of story. Posted by Shuzer on 11:07:2000 04:28 AM: I'd just like to say one thing about the Cable/Cyclops thing... IMO, Cable does just as well with A-Psylocke as he does with B-Cyke. Psylocke also works well with whoever is battery, since she gives them a free air combo for every assist that hits(Can you say Magneto?). And as for Shuma/Morri, if someone is gonna pick Battery/Cable/AAA(Spiral/Cable/Cyke, Magneto/Cable/Cyke are best IMO), what are you gonna do? Using the teams I gave, Spiral's knives can't be stopped very effectively, and Magneto's rushdown game is too much for most people if they don't have an AAA. Not to mention you can't rush down very safely because of Cyke assist into AHVB or air combo. How would a team of Morri/Shuma/WM or Venom stop Battery/Cable/AAA? Just wondering. And counter characters DO work, btw. It doesn't matter if you counter right back, since in sets like that it matters on who got the first win. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:07:2000 10:34 AM: you guys don't know how to play with Venom man. that's why you think he sucks. Morrigan's anti air assist is one of the best dragon punch types of assists in the game, for me it's more valuable on the teams i use her than cyclops is for his dam teams. War Machine is superior to Iron man. people just pick the red one because he can combo proton cannon. nobody uses War Machine's ducking fierce and assists trap. you can do it with lots of different assists, you can ducking fierce to assist button to smart bombs while holding forward on the stick to make them arc farther. or just jab shoulder cannon if you want. and if they jump do war destroyer, one of the best anti air supers in the game with captain sword and gamma quake. he has a good flying game too, flying with smart bombs and a knee dive in case he has to block quickly. man war destroyer is probably the very best anti air super man. you guys will probably not get hit by chaos dimension unless it's cancelled from mystic stare, but i promise you i am going to suck some life some time or other. mystic smash is awesome for running away. what if i use blackheart instead of War Machine? what will you guys do then. cable can keep jumping around with cyclops anti air assist whenever i get close, but Morrigan's upforward air dash is faster than any of that shit. no assist can counter it. maybe doctor doom's assist where he shoots pink lasers on both sides, that is all i can think of right now. and who the hell uses that shit anyway. i think my Morrigan can beat your cable one on one, i am serious about that. we will fight at B5. by the way, what the hell does "B" stand for, i bought the tapes and even get excited when i read something about it but i don't know what it really means. Badass? Bitchin? thanks. later oops i just thought of iron zangief's ground assist for countering Morrigan. but there is almost nothing that that crap will not hit you out of. probably regular Zangief's ground assist will also protect, because it's stationary. let me know if you think i'm wrong, thanks. See you later. Posted by Jay Wang on 11:09:2000 06:00 AM: Dairy Queen Guy: Sure, i'll play you in MvC2 sometime. Gimme a shout if u ever go visit Toronto (!) i'll make sure to give u a good beat down with my spiral / cable / cyclops team .. But there is something you have to realize, and that is that in the end, MvC2 is ALL ABOUT KEEP AWAY; whether u like it or not. When you get to a certain level and understanding of the game, maybe you will realize that too. Teams with characters like Venom, Shuma and Morrigan, can't really do shit against traps (ie sword walls, BH & Doom), and no i don't suck with them, it's just the truth. With those characters, u basically have 2 choices during the match, Block and die slowly to chip, or don't block and die faster, because for the whole match u won't be able to do anything to get close. and u are really missing out if u haven't used cyclops AAA with cable, once the AAA hits, u jump up and AHVB, than do it 2 more times, and they die, than u guard crush their next character, followed with 2 more AHVB, and just like that, in some cases, it's 3 on 1, with just ONE mistake made. =\ but i'll give u credit, ur right when saying that u only get better by losing ... and that is true [kurt angle] =p - JayWang Posted by Iceman on 11:09:2000 09:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: you guys don't know how to play with Venom man. that's why you think he sucks. Morrigan's anti air assist is one of the best dragon punch types of assists in the game, for me it's more valuable on the teams i use her than cyclops is for his dam teams. War Machine is superior to Iron man. people just pick the red one because he can combo proton cannon. nobody uses War Machine's ducking fierce and assists trap. you can do it with lots of different assists, you can ducking fierce to assist button to smart bombs while holding forward on the stick to make them arc farther. or just jab shoulder cannon if you want. and if they jump do war destroyer, one of the best anti air supers in the game with captain sword and gamma quake. he has a good flying game too, flying with smart bombs and a knee dive in case he has to block quickly. man war destroyer is probably the very best anti air super man. you guys will probably not get hit by chaos dimension unless it's cancelled from mystic stare, but i promise you i am going to suck some life some time or other. mystic smash is awesome for running away. what if i use blackheart instead of War Machine? what will you guys do then. cable can keep jumping around with cyclops anti air assist whenever i get close, but Morrigan's upforward air dash is faster than any of that shit. no assist can counter it. maybe doctor doom's assist where he shoots pink lasers on both sides, that is all i can think of right now. and who the hell uses that shit anyway. i think my Morrigan can beat your cable one on one, i am serious about that. we will fight at B5. by the way, what the hell does "B" stand for, i bought the tapes and even get excited when i read something about it but i don't know what it really means. Badass? Bitchin? thanks. later oops i just thought of iron zangief's ground assist for countering Morrigan. but there is almost nothing that that crap will not hit you out of. probably regular Zangief's ground assist will also protect, because it's stationary. let me know if you think i'm wrong, thanks. See you later. I play Venom, so I can say, he isn't very good. He has a few tricks, but not many. He doesn't have any variety in offense (jumpins or Venom Fang). WM and IM are pretty much equal. WM has 3 advantages: War Destroyer, ducking fierce, and shoulder cannon does more chipping. Everything else is equal or an advantage for IM. Morrigan's AAA is good, but far from the best. Cyclops all-around is the best AAA. He gives Cable a free AHVB, which Morrigan doesn't. Psylocke gives Cable 3-AHVB, but Cyclops has superior stamina and is just a better character. Ken is possibly the best AAA, but his lack of chipping abilities hurt. BTW, I don't play Morrigan or Shuma, but I have a friend who plays both, and they suck. Neither can do jack to escape keepaway and trapping. As for you at B5, I won't be there, but I'd love to see you beat someone's Cable with Morrigan (hint: it won't happen). Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:09:2000 10:48 AM: hey iceman i agree with you on almost everything you have to say except for the keep away shit. i hate that crap its the swords and assists and all that shit would beat most people but after playing for a while you know how to take care of that shit and counter it because once you take out spiral you had better know how to play with cable and cyclops and it gets down to who is better just playing and making the most of someones mistakes. But originally i agree with you about shuma,morrigan,and,venom playing like shit.Even the best players would get their ass kicked playing with that team. youd at least need cable to back them up. Dairy Queen Guy is my brother and he could probably whoop some ass with that team butin a tournament it would get beat by the upper half of the players or trap teams. Oh yeah dairy queen guy does know about trapping i dont if hed call it the basic shit but he is at that level and if he had spiral cable and even fuckin DAN hed probably kick most of the spiral cable cyclops' asses out there.(maybe not dan but i wouldnt be suprised)Shit he has a bunch of teams with fucked up combinations youd have to be in the top levels to to beat him more than 50% of the time i think hed have a chance at winning the next B4 tournament orB5 whatever its gonna be even if he faces duc or alex long as i dont enter he has a pretty good chance. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:09:2000 11:38 AM: don't say that you play Venom man because if you did you would not say that all Venom has is jump ins and venom fangs. you don't play shit for venom man. and the guy who said Shuma and Morrigan suck because he has a friend who plays with them and sucks, don't say that some characters are no good just because you have seen one guy try them out against your dam cable teams and lose badly okay. what the fuck are you talking about you have a friend who uses Morrigan and Shuma Gorath so you know that they can't do shit man. what the hell is that shit? why do you say that cable doesn't give Morrigan a free air hyper viper beam? since fucking when did an anti air assist only get good if it gives cable a free air super? what the fuck is that shit man. oh yeah don't say any shit to War Machine okay. it is very obvious that you do not use him so don't talk about it because you don't know anything about it. i understand that you use cable all day and are quick to say he gets beat because of your confidence in your cable squadron. but he has a little fucking bit more than ducking fierce, war destroyer and chipping damage on shoulder cannon. what the fuck is that shit anyway, chipping damage on shoulder cannon? a little bit more chipping damage on his shoulder cannon that iron man does? i don't play queer ass iron man. i am sorry but i do not agree with what you say. War Machine has an 8 way air dash, a very fast ground dash, a knee dive while calling assists, smart bombs that can be shot far or short, if iron man can control his smart bombs too i don't fucking know. i am not talking about iron man. alright let me say this, okay. i am not trying to say that Morrigan is way better than cable or anything like that. but i am saying that she does not just suck or fucking die helplessly to the main stream teams. her main combo into super does not do too much damage but it still hurts, and it is very very easy to cross up with her and kill assists. i can fight a lot of cables with my Morrigan, i have to admit if i am playing in a serious situation i will use cable over Morrigan but it is only because i've been practicing with cable since the game came out. i really wish that there was a fucking way that i could prove this shit man. i am going to fight someone who posts here and make him post what happened. i will make it popular that Morrigan and Venom and Iron Man and Shuma Gorath aren't just extra characters who are really nothing. to the guy who said he won't be going to b5, seriously: i am sorry to hear that. i am serious now-- you should try to go if you can. because in the b4 tape it looked like a lot of fun man. there will be plenty of good competition and it just would be a lot of fun, i am very sorry if you can't go. i could not go to b4 and i was very hurt when i couldn't join the last 2 major MVC1 tournaments and compete because of work. i am making it to b5 if it kills me man. i am going to buy my plane ticket as soon as its announced where it's at and when. good luck you guys with your favorite teams. i understand your confidence in cable and his assists because that is all that you guys use, but just don't say any fucking shit to characters like War Machine, Morrigan, Venom or Shuma Gorath. i will pick Morrigan against top teams and win some and lose some, but you guys would pick her and just fucking blow. i wish i could play one of you so bad, just don't be surprised okay. when you are dizzy with disbelief that your spiral cable cyclops gets eaten by characters that you didn't know existed. fucking venom has more than just jump ins and venom fangs. he has standing fierce, air dash, jab web throw, jumping roundhouse, a few other things that i don't care to reveal here. someone who i play against will have to tell you about that shit. by the way, you aren't the only people who play with spiral okay. just for your information, i can use spiral too. coincidentally, i know how to play with blackheart. and i think i even know how to play a fucking little bit with cable too. thanks for responding to my posts. even though we disagree i appreciate your words, and thanks Mr. Tanaka Force for this column. oh yeah so my brother posted that shit, dam it feels good to see what he said. props to Super Saiyan Cable. late. Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:09:2000 09:34 PM: Wow! Maybe you guys ought to be post some of those words in the matchmaking column. But anyway, Dairy queen guy, we already agree that in making a team its all about practicing that team no matter how much you lose. So I was wondering how long you have been playing characters like Morrigan,Venom,War Machine etc. Cause every character has potential, but most people choose the easy route by useing cable and others. I want to know cause I really respect your level by whooping ass with harder to use characters. And keep your cool, there is not enough room in this column for all of us to fit our egos.(LOL,sorry I'm just kidding. Could'nt help, I had to say that,LOL) B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by Spider-Dan on 11:09:2000 11:14 PM: Shuma and Venom do in fact suck; Shuma is probably the worst Marvel character in the game, and Venom isn't much better. Shuma's fierce FB doesn't even go fullscreen anymore, it does almost no damage, if it does in fact connect you can't use your FB for 10 seconds or until they hit you, Chaos Dimension does nowhere near 3 levels worth of damage and the followup isn't even guaranteed, you can't steal life past the red, etc. Shuma is total trash. All of that barely even matters, just because Shuma's best assets (pokes and great anti-air options) are either removed or redundant/useless due to AAA. His assists are among the worst in the game. Venom gets thrashed by any sort of beams (just like in MVC1, but there was only one real beam character in that game), but at least he has a good assist and does decent damage. He gets utterly wrecked by top tier however. WM's is too slow, period. He gets rushed down and has no pay to punish helpers without getting supered. Low fierce needs to be about 2x as fast to be really useful. Shoulder cannon recovery is too slow. IM is a bit faster (regaring specials) but ultimately he has nothing that 15 characters can't do twice as well. He still can't punish assists and his keepaway is suspect at best. Morrigan gets killed, period. She has no keepaway game and no ability to rush, she can't punish helpers without being vulnerable and her assists are mediocre. Morrigan is a poor man's Psylocke, bottom line. -- Dan Thompson Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:10:2000 12:00 AM: HA HA HAHA HA HA! Venom sucks, eh? and Morrigan is total Trash? OKAY! You are Right! and i am Wrong! is that what you want to hear? you give crappy reasons for war machine, war machine and morrigan because you don't know anything about them. try using them first before you say some shit. okay? i will fight your "top" tier teams with Morrigan, Venom and Shuma then again with War Machine. we will see who wins the most. spider dan are you the same cat that beat james in the mvc1 tournament using venom? you're the same guy who just sat there and did ducking fierce, right? shit ever since that tournament i've heard about that shit and i thought you must be good with venom man but i don't think you are any more. and im sorry if i have the wrong person. anyway i will show these characters at B5. i'll use them sometimes if i get to the finals. they are good characters, only weak against flying characters that's it. and blackheart can easily be put into one of the teams. that is so much bullshit man about Venom only being good for his assist or good damage man. Morrigan has very very fast dashes and can super your assists to death. i fucking can not do fucking dam anything to prove this shit right now but keep using them. Mr. Tanaka Force i've been using Morrigan Venom War Machine since mvc1 and i didn't use Shuma that much in marvel vs streetfighter. i only realized how good he was until way after the game was old. i'm not very good with him or anything but he makes his own difference in the fight. if i were you man i'd make it a point to use different guys, but let me tell you this and this shit is the best thing i can say to anybody who wants to improve their fighting game no matter what--- you have to think a lot. don't just keep practicing the same exact shit. sit and think of new shit, new ways to use their moves that you didn't do before. new times to chip and different ways to use their fireballs. especially with Morrigan and War Machine. please don't say that ducking fierce has to be 2x as fast, okay. you are just showing how you want everything very easy to learn and easy to set up and use. jump in the air and do smart bombs then air dash away and down and tap the assist button while hitting down fierce. then cancel the down fierce into jab shoulder cannon then tap the anti air assist button then do down and fierce again. if they air dash in do his launcher cancelled into fierce shoulder cannon, you will recover in time. if they fly do war destroyer to bring them to the ground. if they're using sentinel fly in front of his face and down-roundhouse, assist button before you bounce off, smart bomb, air dash toward him air fierce, land and dash in and do regular moves with assist then fly again. or against other guys just fly low to the ground far away and keep calling anti air assist while smart bombing and holding forward on the stick. don't say any shit to war machine okay, please man. he has his own shit too. later. oh yeah thanks for what you said, Tanaka Force. yeah man it really helps to learn the other guys who nobody uses because you will be using styles that nobody has seen before. you get a lot of people who say Dam i didn't know about that or this or Look at how much that does or whatever because they never bother to discover the shit that is there for everyone to find out. late Posted by Jay Wang on 11:10:2000 01:54 AM: Dairy Queen Guy: You have to remember that this is MvC2 and not the first MvC. In the first game, the emphasis was on rush down, and close game BUT in MvC2, IT IS ALL ABOUT KEEP AWAY, whether you like it or not. the top tier characters are determined by how much garbage they can fill the screen with, the more the better. also their ability to run and stay away. that's why the likes of cable, blackheart, dr doom, spiral, sentinal and storm are top teir. ur teams of ironman/wm, morrigan and venom etc. can't really do shit against them. and that's a fact. no matter how good u think ur rush down is with them. when you get to a high level of play in mvc2, it's all about chipping, and running away. and, if u are going to use a team with venom and morrigan at B5, just stay home, seriously. why don't u just wear a big sign that says "please own me" on it too. =\ Posted by Spider-Dan on 11:10:2000 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: HA HA HAHA HA HA! Venom sucks, eh? and Morrigan is total Trash? OKAY! You are Right! and i am Wrong! is that what you want to hear? I don't need to hear anything from you; I already know they suck. quote: you give crappy reasons for war machine, war machine and morrigan because you don't know anything about them. try using them first before you say some shit. okay? i will fight your "top" tier teams with Morrigan, Venom and Shuma then again with War Machine. we will see who wins the most. You won't do any such thing because you will never show up to any tournament. If you had ever been to any real tournament, you would have gotten so badly wrecked you would know better. quote: spider dan are you the same cat that beat james in the mvc1 tournament using venom? you're the sameguy who just sat there and did ducking fierce, right? shit ever since that tournament i've heard about that shit and i thought you must be good with venom man but i don't think you are any more. and im sorry if i have the wrong person. Your story is full of half-truths; James Chen hasn't even been in any MVC1 tourney to my knowledge, but yes, I did play RV/Venom against many people. I was doing low fierce (among many other things) with Red Venom, not normal Venom. And unlike you, I have experience to back up my claims. I consistently placed at basically every MVC tourney I entered, and I'm the *only* Venom user to ever place top 5 in a major MVC tourney. I think I know how to use Venom, thanks. Meanwhile, you have your post, in which you do a damn lot of typing but say nothing at all. Where are your dope Venom strategies? What do you plan to do when I use Doom and photon you to death? The only actual strategy you had in this post AT ALL was "call Blackheart" which ANY CHARACTER can do. Roll is just as good as Cable when it comes to PUSHING THE ASSIST BUTTON. quote: anyway i will show these characters at B5. i'll use them sometimes if i get to the finals. they are good characters, only weak against flying characters that's it. and blackheart can easily be put into one of the teams. that is so much bullshit man about Venom only being good for his assist or good damage man. Please tell me EXACTLY how Venom can fucking *move* against Doom j.fierce, Spiral knife barrage, Sentinel drone trap, Storm vert. typhoons from top of screen, Strider orb trap, etc. This is where you say nothing, because he can't do anything at all, except tag out. quote: Morrigan has very very fast dashes WTF? Her dashes (air and ground) are about 1/5th the speed of Storm or Magneto. quote: and can super your assists to death. Every time you super my assists (for ENTIRELY HEALABLE DAMAGE I might add) I get to super you right back after I block, while Morrigan recovers from it. If I am Sentinel, Cable, or Juggernaut, you just died. Good strategy. quote: i fucking can not do fucking dam anything to prove this shit right now but keep using them. Please, please, show up at any major tourney and watch as these teams get wasted before, during, and after the tourney. I seriously hope you know how to use some real characters, as I would not want you to waste a trip. quote: Mr. Tanaka Force i've been using Morrigan Venom War Machine since mvc1 and i didn't use Shuma that much in marvel vs streetfighter. i only realized how good he was until way after the game was old. i'm not very good with him or anything but he makes his own difference in the fight. I know how to use Shuma as well, I got 30+ winstreaks at both Golflands right when MVC2 came out, and trust me, he is total trash. I already stated why and you conveniently failed to address that. quote: if i were you man i'd make it a point to use different guys, but let me tell you this and this shit is the best thing i can say to anybody who wants to improve their fighting game no matter what--- you have to think a lot. don't just keep practicing the same exact shit. sit and think of new shit, new ways to use their moves that you didn't do before. new times to chip and different ways to use their fireballs. especially with Morrigan and War Machine. You're using a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. There is no useful strategy in that paragraph. AT ALL. [quote]please don't say that ducking fierce has to be 2x as fast, okay. you are just showing how you want everything very easy to learn and easy to set up and use. He probably wants it to be actually USEFUL instead of AHVB/headcrush/hyper sentinel force bait. In the following quote block, ** addition is mine: quote: jump in the air and do smart bombs ** then air dash away and down and tap the assist button ** while hitting down fierce ** . then cancel the down fierce into jab shoulder cannon ** then tap the anti air assist ** button then do down and fierce ** again. if they air dash in do his launcher cancelled into fierce shoulder cannon ** , you will recover in time. if they fly do war destroyer ** to bring them to the ground. if they're using sentinel fly in front of his face and down-roundhouse, assist button before you bounce off, smart bomb **, air dash toward him air fierce, land and dash in and do regular moves with assist ** then fly again **. or against other guys just fly low to the ground far away ** and keep calling anti air assist while smart bombing ** and holding forward on the stick. At every point where there is **, if you are fighting Cable, Juggernaut, or Sentinel, either you, your assist, or both will die. And WTF is this "fly away and call AAA" junk? Isn't the point of AAA to HIT your opponent? What exactly is the objective of this? quote: Oh yeah thanks for what you said, Tanaka Force. yeah man it really helps to learn the other guys who nobody uses because you will be using styles that nobody has seen before. you get a lot of people who say Dam i didn't know about that or this or Look at how much that does or whatever because they never bother to discover the shit that is there for everyone to find out. Of course, they'll be noticing that in the 20 seconds they are playing before your characters are all dead. -- Dan Thompson Posted by Pryde on 11:10:2000 07:16 AM: The player and good assists. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:10:2000 10:58 AM: i played a lot today, and didn't win too much with Morrigan, Venom or Shuma. but i didn't get my ass kicked either. i have to practice more with them. don't tell me that i don't talk about 'dope' strategies with fucking venom man, i don't need to tell what strategies i do, okay. he has standing fierce to protect assists or just attack, and can always be cancelled into venom fang. spiral's weakness is when she's on the ground, the area right above her head between her head and the top of the screen. she has to jump up and throw knives there to stop anything from there, that's why air dashes, double jumps and sentinel's assist are effective against her. that is also why fierce venom fang will make the difference against your spiral. fierce venom fang avoids almost all assists, will knock out doctor doom, will go too fast for blackheart, gene splice from cyclops has to be used only afterward to be effective, and i have already called projectile assist from war machine before doing it, although if spiral is throwing knives he'll probably not get a chance to shoot. but his assist comes out pretty fast. don't take it for granted. i can get very close to spiral and then block until i can call morrigan's anti air assist and standing fierce, cancel to jab venom fang, ducking roundhouse, ducking jab, just wait for you to make a mistake. anything you do can be hit with jab venom fang, or i can just make you block it, and i am still safe afterward. doctor doom's jumping fierce laser gets hit by fierce venom fang. super jumping and protons will sooner or later end when i super jump at the same time or dash underneath on the ground, and in the sky venom fang across the air or just air dash to him. you can guard crush after killing a guy with venom, a very early fierce web throw that hits while their body is still off the screen when they're coming in, then cancel into venom web. if i need to i can almost always fierce venom fang and throw you if you block, then while you're in the web do two ducking jabs to super. i was not talking about james chen in the mvc1 tournament, okay. there is another guy named james who called you spider fag if you are the same guy. i have to apologize about what he said to you i know it was out of line. i am not good with shuma, but i can keep away good with morrigans anti air assist, and cover her with mystic stare. if i need to i can super jump and mystic smash away from you. his level three is very good, just get in close enough to make them block mystic stare cancelled into chaos dimension start up, then jump up and grab in the air before you land. if they move up in any way their caught, if they don't you can grab them when you land even before their assist gets out. you can throw immediately when you land from a jump. what you said about war machine i understand why you say it. you are right if you knew i was going to do that shit you could anticipate it and do jugg.headcrush or air hyper viper beam or hyper sentinel force. dont' forget that war machine can jump then air dash upward and throw smart bombs from there. i will not fly against those three characters. please man you don't have to say all that shit about how great those characters are okay. it fucking makes me sick how you and so many others dismiss the characters that take work to be good with. Dam you i am going to show up to the B5 tournament and i will be wearing a Dairy Queen Hat. DON'T FUCKING FORGET ME MAN. i know i'm angry right now but i don't want any shit with anyone, okay. i just don't agree with you. don't take it like i want to fucking fight with you for real or that i hate you. i don't and i hope you don't hate me, but Fuck You if you do. but i fuckign really want to fight your teams with mine man. SHIT MAN. late Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:10:2000 11:43 AM: t Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:10:2000 12:25 PM: FUCKIN Venom Morrigan War Machine is one of the gayest fuckin teams. i just got done playing against Dairy Queen Guy and he kicked my ass enough have me admit that those losers have some good techniques.but it isnt some hot shit that is gonna win b5 and Dairy Queen Guy knows it. i cant say much on how i whooped his ass cause he beat me 9\11 times or some stupid shit like that but from what i know is that against teams like spiral's barrage of crap comin at you backed up by cable and having a third ant air assist like blackheart,cyclops,or doom that team will get eaten. im sure he can squeeze through the first bullshit rounds and pop a couple wins out of his ass with that venom morrigan crap but as soon as the players who are fucking good come he knows hell have to change teams to compete. i must admit that venoms venom fang is good as long as he suckers you into it and its not easy to get by with all the assists thats being called.of course you can ahv but only if he fucks up. hey spider dan, morrigan isnt as shitty as your ass thinks she is and yes her super is that fast IT IS FUCKING FAST man and itll fuck up your assist so dairy queen guy is right to tell you that you dont know what your ass is talking about.War Machine does ok as long as hes not against cable cause EVERY single shit of War Machine is canceled by an ahv beam. So about dairy queen guy bringing that team to b5 it isnt going to win the tournament but it might have him sneak by the first round of players shit, he took my ass out but i know that he would not fuckin use that team unless he had a lead in wins for his match but against duc or the other players who are Experienced and good he cant fuck around and use this team.But against spider dans ass i wouldnt be suprised if he used it the first match. and for a good team dairy queen guy is right about having to be good with the people and you do have to have experience. a beginner will suck dick even if he knows how to connect ahv with cable or call in a good assist and hell loose against a team of dan silver samurai and hayato easily from an experienced player. Posted by Spider-Dan on 11:10:2000 09:04 PM: quote: i played a lot today, and didn't win too much with Morrigan, Venom or Shuma. but i didn't get my ass kicked either. i have to practice more with them. don't tell me that i don't talk about 'dope' strategies with fucking venom man, i don't need to tell what strategies i do, okay. Why exactly are you posting here, then? quote: he has standing fierce to protect assists or just attack, and can always be cancelled into venom fang. This is straight MVC1 strategy, but it doesn't work in MVC2. Your opponent can call AAA too easily, or just bomb on you from the sky, where your assist won't do anything to them anyway (unless you have one of like 5 assists). quote: spiral's weakness is when she's on the ground, the area right above her head between her head and the top of the screen. she has to jump up and throw knives there to stop anything from there, Jump up, spinning knife shield (qcf+short). Anything else? quote: that is also why fierce venom fang will make the difference against your spiral. fierce venom fang avoids almost all assists, will knock out doctor doom, will go too fast for blackheart, gene splice from cyclops has to be used only afterward to be effective, and i have already called projectile assist from war machine before doing it, although if spiral is throwing knives he'll probably not get a chance to shoot. but his assist comes out pretty fast. If I have Spiral+BH assist Venom can not move. If I don't have BH assist, I can just do knife shield over your head all day, Venom has nothing that goes through it and Venom fang will get stuffed. quote: don't take it for granted. i can get very close to spiral LOL. That sure is easy enough to say. quote: and then block until i can call morrigan's anti air assist and standing fierce, cancel to jab venom fang, ducking roundhouse, ducking jab, just wait for you to make a mistake. anything you do can be hit with jab venom fang, or i can just make you block it, and i am still safe afterward. Venom Fang is not safe in MVC2. quote: doctor doom's jumping fierce laser gets hit by fierce venom fang. super jumping and protons will sooner or later end when i super jump at the same time or dash underneath on the ground, This is really what your strategy vs Doom will boil down to. You have no way to actively stop photons, so you just hope that you can outguess him or dash underneath him, neither of which actually DO anything. Doom can just block, airdash, any of about 50 things and start the photon rain all over again. Neither Venom Fang nor Venom's airdash will avoid Doom's photons if he airdashes up before he does them. Doom vs Venom is such a bad joke. quote: if i need to i can almost always fierce venom fang and throw you if you block, then while you're in the web do two ducking jabs to super. What am I doing in the meantime, watching Oprah? After I block a fierce Venom Fang I get a free combo with most characters. quote: i was not talking about james chen in the mvc1 tournament, okay. there is another guy named james who called you spider fag if you are the same guy. i have to apologize about what he said to you i know it was out of line. If he was talking shit, played me in the tournament, and said I only did low fierce, then it's likely that 1) I whooped his ass and 2) all I needed to beat *him* was low fierce. Oh well, a lot of losers like to whine. It happens. quote: i am not good with shuma, but i can keep away good with morrigans anti air assist, and cover her with mystic stare. Roll is actually better at this, since her fireball 1) goes fullscreen and 2) doesn't stick to the opponent and become unavailable. quote: if i need to i can super jump and mystic smash away from you. And get supered while you recover? Why would you want to do that? quote: his level three is very good, just get in close enough to make them block mystic stare cancelled into chaos dimension start up, then jump up and grab in the air before you land. if they move up in any way their caught, if they don't you can grab them when you land even before their assist gets out. His Chaos Dimension is not good at all, for the reasons I already said. And BTW there are much better setups for CD grab... you can do the move itself against someone jumping in (the activation is invincible) then jump and grab them (combo) or you can do launch cancelled into CD activation, then normal jump and grab them (combo). quote: what you said about war machine i understand why you say it. you are right if you knew i was going to do that shit you could anticipate it and do jugg.headcrush or air hyper viper beam or hyper sentinel force. 90% of that stuff I don't even have to anticipate... I just look for you to do something (with WM against those characters, almost ANYTHING) and super it. quote: dont' forget that war machine can jump then air dash upward and throw smart bombs from there. He falls unable to block for a longer distance if you do that. quote: please man you don't have to say all that shit about how great those characters are okay. it fucking makes me sick how you and so many others dismiss the characters that take work to be good with. You are trying to tell people that these characters (WM, Venom, Morrigan, Shuma) are quality competitive characters. I am saying that unless you are playing against 1) low-tier characters or 2) people that have no clue whatsoever on how to use the good characters that these characters will get slaughtered outright. quote: Dam you i am going to show up to the B5 tournament and i will be wearing a Dairy Queen Hat. DON'T FUCKING FORGET ME MAN. i know i'm angry right now but i don't want any shit with anyone, okay. i just don't agree with you. don't take it like i want to fucking fight with you for real or that i hate you. i don't and i hope you don't hate me, but Fuck You if you do. but i fuckign really want to fight your teams with mine man. SHIT MAN. Anyone that wants to fight someone over some junk said on the internet about a random video game is an idiot. If you want to play me at B5, I'll be more than happy to do so. -- Dan Thompson Posted by Spider-Dan on 11:10:2000 09:17 PM: quote: hey spider dan, morrigan isnt as shitty as your ass thinks she is and yes her super is that fast IT IS FUCKING FAST man and itll fuck up your assist so dairy queen guy is right to tell you that you dont know what your ass is talking about. LOL, Morrigan's super is like one of THE SLOWEST beam supers in the game. If you consider Soul Eraser fast, you must think AHVB comes out before Cable is even picked at the select screen. However, even if it was INSTANT (which it is *not*), it wouldn't matter much. If Morrigan tried AHVB against my helper I would laugh, block it with my primary, and kill her with a headcrush while she recovers from the super. quote: War Machine does ok as long as hes not against cable cause EVERY single shit of War Machine is canceled by an ahv beam. So about dairy queen guy bringing that team to b5 it isnt going to win the tournament but it might have him sneak by the first round of players shit, he took my ass out but i know that he would not fuckin use that team unless he had a lead in wins for his match but against duc or the other players who are Experienced and good he cant fuck around and use this team. War Machine gets absolutely raped by: Cable Sentinel Spiral Doom Blackheart Storm Magneto Megaman Omega Red and probably a few others to boot. quote: But against spider dans ass i wouldnt be suprised if he used it the first match. I'd be more than happy to kill that team if he did. If he used any combination of WM, Venom, Morrigan, and Shuma, and I even lost one character, I'd be extremely impressed. Those characters are so insanely easy to kill it's laughable. -- Dan Thompson Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:11:2000 08:36 AM: hey spider dan i know i that morrigans beam isnt as fast as cable sentinal and juggs shit BUT it is fast enough to fuck with spiral blackheart without them being able to counter it unless they knew it was coming. the main thing i wanted to say though is that dairy queen guy was right about saying how everyone dismisses characters that arent automatically dominant. it happened that morrigan shuma war machine and venom suck together. but with 56 FUCKIN characters in this game i really doubt capcom wanted to limit it to 4 or 5 characters. Didnt you see that video in here made by that guy Joo? those are some crazy ass combos and characters that arent "top tier" level are doing them. there are going to be counters for these top tier teams its just a matter of when itll be found out. like in mvc1 it was all about strider wolverine,double war machine,infinites but there was usually a team that would counter the other . thats all ive got to say for now. Posted by FlipBonne on 11:12:2000 04:00 PM: A team doesnt make a team good the Player makes the team good EX someone at our arcade had a FUcked up TEAM of Zangief Bison and either STrider or TRON he would turn Zangief into Mecha and just rush. but I thnk these three things make the best team 1. p[ossible DHC's in any order 2. three good assists 3, someone who is fast, takes a lot o damage and gives alot o damage. Posted by Otoko Michi on 11:16:2000 04:47 AM: Spider-Dan, I hear you are real good from NKI. I play him all of the time. I would really like to get a match against you. If you are ever near the St. Louis area, give me a holler. Or, if you ever have a tourney semi-close to St. Louis I will get a crew together to go play. Dairy Queen Guy, I understand your viewpoint on how you are trying to get across the fact that even underated characters can be good if mastered. I have heard from a friend of mine who just got back from Japan about a player who used Dan with some good assists to regulate people! He used Dan as his lead character the entire time too! You have to remember, though, that A)This game is ALL about Traps whether you like it or not. B)This is NOT MvC1 C)Without a good assist, not many characters can hang on their own. These facts have been proven time and time again by the players who win tourneys. Do you think that tourneys consist of just Top Tier characters all of the time? No, of course people try new things, but the reason you don't hear about them is because they get crushed early on. I am glad people DO try new things because that is part of the fun of the game. I will NEVER play Cable, but I enjoy a good trap from time to time. Oh, and just because you see a combo in a combo video against a standing practice dummy doesn't mean you will see it used often and consistently in a match. Who do I play? Some regulars....Magneto, Doom, Strider, Spiral...and some non-regulars Omega-Red, Silver Samurai, Vega(j). I too will try my hardest to get to B5 and I will play you for sure when I see the hat. Otoko Michi "Yataze....OYAJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Posted by MAGUS1234 on 11:16:2000 04:50 AM: magneto playtime has ended! Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:16:2000 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Otoko Michi: Spider-Dan, I hear you are real good from NKI. I play him all of the time. I would really like to get a match against you. If you are ever near the St. Louis area, give me a holler. Or, if you ever have a tourney semi-close to St. Louis I will get a crew together to go play. Dairy Queen Guy, I understand your viewpoint on how you are trying to get across the fact that even underated characters can be good if mastered. I have heard from a friend of mine who just got back from Japan about a player who used Dan with some good assists to regulate people! He used Dan as his lead character the entire time too! You have to remember, though, that A)This game is ALL about Traps whether you like it or not. B)This is NOT MvC1 C)Without a good assist, not many characters can hang on their own. These facts have been proven time and time again by the players who win tourneys. Do you think that tourneys consist of just Top Tier characters all of the time? No, of course people try new things, but the reason you don't hear about them is because they get crushed early on. I am glad people DO try new things because that is part of the fun of the game. I will NEVER play Cable, but I enjoy a good trap from time to time. Oh, and just because you see a combo in a combo video against a standing practice dummy doesn't mean you will see it used often and consistently in a match. Who do I play? Some regulars....Magneto, Doom, Strider, Spiral...and some non-regulars Omega-Red, Silver Samurai, Vega(j). I too will try my hardest to get to B5 and I will play you for sure when I see the hat. Otoko Michi "Yataze....OYAJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Actually, the game is 90% traps teams like magneto/storm/cyke can still hold their own due to neto's and storm's air dashes Posted by Otoko Michi on 11:16:2000 08:12 AM: God_of_Poop, I said the game was all about traps, not 100 percent traps no rushing whatsoever. Why do you think I play Magneto? I am known for my Magneto mostly anyway. Three Magnetic Tempests in one combo is the way to go. Are you anywhere near the Chicago or St. Louis area? If so, we(from St. Louis) are heading to Chicago to play on Friday and Saturday(weekend right after Thanksgiving) at Super Just Games. We plan on playing MvC2, CvS, XSF, ST, and DDR. Hope you can go, Otoko Michi Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:17:2000 03:37 AM: I'm in Cali next to SHGL, I get plenty of practice there with Duc,Alex,Tone,Nyte and all the other peepz who keep this game fun for me Posted by Otoko Michi on 11:17:2000 09:43 AM: God of Poop, Cali? Damn, that is too far for me. I plan on going to Japan in less than a year to live there and study, but maybe I will drop by Cali to play a couple of games. I am into Tekken, DDR, Beamani games, and just about anything Capcom. Otoko Michi Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:17:2000 09:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Otoko Michi: Why do you think I play Magneto? I am known for my Magneto mostly anyway. Three Magnetic Tempests in one combo is the way to go. I am a big fan for magneto and I always play him. Magneto is now better as a good battery cause he is so fast. You can get out of traps with him, but any tourney you enter, I promise you three tempests are'nt going to happen. Instead I do long combo that is damaging and meter building. Posted by dj-b13 on 12:08:2000 10:53 PM: WHAT makes a good team is that they work also should be balanced w/ a fighter type like up close fighting such as mag, guile, storm, etc. and have a base character and a good character w/ a good assist, All times are GMT. The time now is 04:59 PM. Show all 45 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.